Since the last time I posted - yes, I know it's been a long time, but I've been very busy - I had a fantastic birthday. It was one of the best birthdays I've ever had. You see, I celebrated a little early this year. My actual birthday fell on a Tuesday just after Easter Sunday, but the celebrating started on the Friday before. My wonderful husband presented me with a snappy red Sony Touch eReader. I just love it! I can carry an entire library in my purse! I have really enjoyed it and I have put it to good use, downloading reference books as well as leisure reading.....like I have a lot of leisure time, right? Anyway, on Sunday, we went to Boca to spend Easter with family and celebrated the birthdays of my mother-in-law, Rosemarie, our grandson, Christopher, my sister-in-law's friend, Carl, our nephew's significant other, Lisette and of course, me! Wow! Fabulous food, a decadent ice cream cake, the never ending birthday song and the family challenge - the paddle ball! That's right. It's an Easter tradition to see who can rack up the most consecutive bounces. There are huge bragging rights involved.

On Monday, my daughter, Susie and grandson, TJ accompanied me to one of the most amazing sand art exhibits I have ever seen! The Art of Sand was on display in Cape Canaveral and we thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. Such detail! And the ice cream was good, too!
While there, I visited with two of my favorite people in the whole world, Troy and Michelle, who were manning an awesome souvenir stand. They are just the sweetest couple and I love 'em to pieces! After the exhibit, Susie, TJ and I had a yummy lunch then headed home to relax the rest of the day. A great birthday, indeed!